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Best Draught Excluders To Seal Out Winter Chills

In this article, we’ll be looking over the best draught excluders you can currently get your hands on that not only look stylish but will help to lower your future heating bills.

Without keeping that pesky cold breeze from entering through your windows and doors, the energy you’re spending is being wasted. and with today’s UK energy prices rocketing It’s time to make the most out of every penny you’re spending.

Best draught excluders for internal doors

What is a draught excluder?

A draught excluder is a device or material used to prevent air from entering or escaping through gaps or cracks around windows, doors, letterboxes, or other openings in a building.

The purpose of the excluder is to prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping, which can help maintain a consistent indoor temperature and reduce the need for heating or cooling.

They don’t have to be an eyesore, and they’re are some stylish ones that you may find to be a perfect fit for your home or patio.

The benefits of using draught excluders

Recent studies have shown that draught excluders can reduce your energy loss by up to 30%.

This means you could be saving anywhere up to 20% on your overall heating bill by keeping that heat locked in where it’s supposed to be.

They come in various forms, including strip brushes, door snakes, sill sealers, window seals, and under-door draught stoppers, and you could be benefiting from the following by having these throughout your home:

  • Improved air quality
  • Energy savings
  • Noise reduction
  • Comfort
  • Cost savings

Improved air quality: They can reduce the amount of dust, pollen, and other pollutants that enter your home, improving the indoor air quality.

Energy savings: By preventing cold air from entering and warm air from escaping, they can help to maintain consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the need for heating and cooling.

Noise reduction: They can also help to reduce outside noise, making your home a quieter and more peaceful place to be.

Comfort: They can make your home more comfortable, especially in rooms with windows or doors that are frequently used.

Cost savings: By reducing your energy usage, they can help to lower your monthly energy bills.

Where can draught excluders be used?

Draught excluders can be used in various areas of a building that let’s air enter from outside or even a different room. Places you could install them are:

  • Around window sills, frames, or edges.
  • Around the bottom, sides, or top of a door.
  • Around letterboxes.
  • Around gaps in the chimney or flue.
  • Around gaps in the attic floor or roof.

The different types of draught excluders

There are several different types, and choosing the right one will depend on the location of the draught and the size of the gap that needs to be sealed.

Strip bushes

Strip brushes are long, flexible brushes that are designed to fit into the gaps around windows or doors. They have bristles that seal the gap, preventing air from entering or escaping.

Door snakes

Door snakes are also long and cylindrical, they are placed along the bottom of a door to prevent air from entering or escaping, and they can be filled with materials such as sand or rice, which provide weight and stability.

Window seals

Window seals are strips of weatherstripping that are applied to the frame of a window to prevent air from entering or escaping through gaps around the edges of the window.

Are draught excluders worth it?

If you’re heating your rooms independently with an electric heater then you’ll want to conserve as much of that heat as possible to avoid using electricity for longer than necessary.

Draughtproofing your home is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of combating heat loss. It can make a huge difference to your next energy bill.


Using draught excluders is an effective and affordable way to make your home more comfortable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective, while also improving indoor air quality and reducing noise levels.

Consider whether you want a permanent or temporary solution. Some draught excluders, such as strip brushes or sill sealers, can be installed permanently, while others, such as door snakes or under-door draught stoppers, can be easily removed if needed.